Maple Leafs devilishly bad

January 29, 2015 News Desk 0

It was a night that saw the Toronto Maple leafs hit a new low for the season. The Leafs continued their month of embarrassment, losing 2-1 in a close contest with the New Jersey Devils […]

E-cigarettes: to vape or not to vape?

January 25, 2015 News Desk 0

Vapor (aerosol) produced at high voltages by e-cigarettes can contain high concentrations of formaldehyde, according to a new study published in the New England Journal of Medicine on Jan. 21. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen […]

Critics take aim at American Sniper

January 23, 2015 News Desk 0

Clint Eastwood has done it again with his box office hit American Sniper. On its opening weekend, the Oscar nominee for Best Picture made a whopping $105 million. Despite its popularity at the box office, […]

TTC to launch Presto in 2016

January 23, 2015 News Desk 0

Toronto commuters will be able to use their Presto card on all Toronto Transit Commission-controlled vehicles by the end of 2016, one-year ahead of the TTC’s original 2017 deadline. The TTC currently forecasts that Presto […]

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