Toronto Transit Commission proposes comprehensive safety plan

The TTC has been in the news for all the wrong reasons for quite some time .

In an attempt to put an end to the controversies, the city’s transit agency is considering implementing an action plan to enhance safety and improve the performance of its bus and streetcar operators.

In the wake of recent accidents, the TTC is planning to use GPS data, dashboard cameras, radar checks and better training for drivers.

The TTC’s 12-point Safe Service Action Plan proposes electronic surveillance to monitor drivers’ behavior.

But the union representing TTC drivers has slammed the proposal, saying it puts too much of the blame for accidents on drivers.

The plan also proposes a review of the TTC’s  recruitment practices, more performance monitoring and better training for instructors.

The TTC plans to include  a review of good aspects of other transit systems, focusing on communication policies between drivers and supervisors.

The decision has come at a time when TTC is widely being criticized  following the death of 14- year -old Amaria Diljohn, who was fatally struck by a TTC bus at Finch Ave and Neilson Road area in late December.

In October, a 65-year-old woman was killed by a TTC bus at Lawrence West station.

Recently, a series of videos showing buses running red lights surfaced on You Tube triggered controversy. The TTC is already looking into this matter.



Source: You Tube


Meanwhile , TTC spokesman Brad Ross said that “TTC remains an incredibly safe system but added that it can do even better”.














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