Liberals announce “Green Week” initiative to help the environment

The Liberal Government of Ontario announced Mar. 12 that it is beginning a new campaign aimed at helping the environment through raising awareness for the need for sustainable energy sources.

Beginning on April 1 for one week, it will be “Green Week” in Ontario, with all citizens urged to wear as much green clothing as they can to help support the environment. The week will conclude with a parade down Yonge Street in Toronto to draw attention to the environment and celebrate the Liberal’s green energy policies.

“I’m just really happy knowing I’ll be doing my part for the environment” said Shelly, a stay-at-home-mother of seven who plans on attending the parade.

“Some of the other politician’s proposals for helping the environment required actual work on my part or a lifestyle change, which I just don’t have time for right now with the economy the way it is,” she added.

“There were some people protesting Industrial Wind Turbines at City Hall last week” said Dan O’Brian. “I guess people think it’s ok to just go on destroying the environment with nuclear plants with no regard for the future. These people need to stop complaining and put on a green T-shirt already” he declared.

“I think it’s a ridiculous farce, and we should be focusing on real, practical solutions to combating the Liberal’s insanely destructive environmental policies, instead of being distracted with these garbage distractions,” said Alex Jakmixawitz, a local activist.

The initiative is expected to cost the Ontario taxppayers approximately $58 million, but Premier Kathleen Wynne is defending the initiative, saying “you can’t put a price on the future.”

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