20 students injured by knife-wielding student

A 16-year old boy wounded 22 of his schoolmates as he wielded two kitchen knives throughout his Pennsylvania high school on Apr. 10, reports The Sun.

The attacks occurred at Franklin Regional High School. The injured students were stabbed in their torsos and received slashes to their arms and faces. Victims were taken to a nearby hospital, some in critical condition.

Police and the FBI are searching the boy’s home and seized his cell phone and laptop. Police still do not know what motivated the incident.

The attacker is identified as Alex Hribal. He was known by fellow students as a nice but quiet individual.

Hribal’s lawyer said there are rumours that the boy had been bullied, but does not believe they are true. Hribal also had minimal presence on his Twitter and Facebook accounts.

If Hribal is charged as an adult, he faces four counts of attempted homicide and 21 counts of aggravated assault. Hribal’s attorney plans to file a motion to move the case to juvenile court, CNN reports.

A preliminary hearing is scheduled to happen in the next seven to 10 days.

(Featured image courtesy of USA Today).

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