UN General Assembly votes in symbolic non-binding resolution

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a non-binding resolution, declaring Crimea’s referendum on independence illegal.

Ukraine proposed the resolution, which was backed by the United States and the European Union. It passed with 100 votes in favor, 11 against and 58 abstentions.

According to reports, the resolution does not identify Russia by name. It describes the referendum as having no legitimacy and encourages countries not to recognize the redrawing of Ukraine’s borders.

The report also calls on states involved in the Crimea situation to abstain from actions aimed at the disruption of Ukraine’s national unity.

Russian diplomats argued that the referendum simply recognized Crimeans’ desire to rejoin Russia.

As it stands, the resolution has no enforcement power, but it is significant in the history of General Assembly votes.

In the wake of the Ukrainian crisis, Crimea sought reunification with Russia, a move backed by over 96 per cent of voters in the referendum.

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