Russia defends security in Sochi after US warning

Russian officials say US concerns about explosives hidden in toothpaste tubes on flights to the Olympics have been overblown.

The US Department of Homeland Security sent a notification to all airlines having a direct flight to Russia warning that explosive devices could be smuggled into planes.  The department said there is no direct threat to the US this time.

Russia banned all liquids, pastes and gels for its airports and internal flights last month ahead of the Olympic Games.

Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Kozak said Feb. 6 that the fuss surrounding a terrorist attack during the Sochi Winter Olympics has been exaggerated.

Kozak added that the level of security in Sochi is not lower than in New York, Washington or Boston.

Concerns about security in Russia increased after two suicide attacks in Volgograd in December killed 34 and left more than 60 people wounded.

Threats to the safety of Sochi Olympics are believed to come from Islamists in the Caucasus region.



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