Hawaiian Police barred from having sex with prostitutes

Hawaiian lawmakers are determined to restore a line in a bill that would make it illegal for police to have sex with prostitutes.

A controversial exemption in Hawaiian law that allows police to have sex with prostitutes during investigations is currently being changed to make the practice illegal. Currently in Hawaii, police working within investigations are exempt from all prostitution laws.

Despite previous protests to retain the exemption, Honolulu police officials came to an agreement with legislators to have the law changed on Mar. 25.

The law was put in place in the 1970s to protect police from prosecution after undercover prostitution stings. But there are concerns that police are abusing the exemption and raping prostitutes.

Reports say that Honolulu police are okay with making it illegal for officers to have sex with prostitutes as long as undercover officers are still willing to have sex with prostitutes to make arrests.

If the revised bill is passed, police will still be allowed to verbally solicit sex as part of an investigation.

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