A McDonald’s employee in Pittsburgh is facing charges after she was caught selling heroin out of the restaurant in Happy Meal boxes.
CNN reports that 26-year-old Shantia Dennis had been hiding this illegal drug inside the boxes and using the code phrase, “I’d like to order a toy”. She would instruct her “customers” to enter the drive through, use the code phrase and then proceed to the first window where they would receive a Happy Meal box with the heroin hidden inside.

Dennis was caught when undercover officers orchestrated their own drug deal from Dennis. Authorities said they found 10 bags containing heroin in Happy Meal boxes and an additional 50 bags on the suspect.
The charges against Dennis include:
*Two counts of possession
*One count of criminal activity in a commercial building
*One count of prohibited acts of delivery
*One count of possession with intent to sell
Most Happy Meals cost $5, but Dennis’ customers were handing over more than $80 for their “happy” meals.
This is the second McDonalds employee to be arrested within the past two weeks for selling heroin.
McDonald’s refused to comment on the incident to both CNN and CTV.