Trudeau touts benefits of legalizing pot

Liberal leader Justin Trudeau says Canada can learn from the legalization of marijuana in some US states.

This announcement doesn’t come as a surprise after Trudeau admitted last summer that he has smoked marijuana since becoming an MP.

At a meet-and-greet in Calgary with over 200 supporters in attendance, Trudeau explained that legalization provides a balance between protecting people, controlling substances, and respecting individual freedoms.

The sale of marijuana to adults over the age of 21 began on Jan. 1 in Colorado and is expected to begin in Washington in the spring.

Trudeau said millions of dollars currently funding organized crime and criminal gangs will disappear.

According to CBC, Trudeau said he does not want to make the same mistakes others might make, but is looking to draw on best practices.

Two men in attendance were reportedly smoking pot outside the community centre while Trudeau was speaking inside, but produced licenses for medical purposes so no arrests were made.

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