Sheridan soccer season resumes
The soccer season begins anew this weekend for the Sheridan Bruins men’s and women’s teams. They kick off the 2013 indoor campaign with a tournament on Saturday at Centennial College in Toronto. The female Bruins […]
The soccer season begins anew this weekend for the Sheridan Bruins men’s and women’s teams. They kick off the 2013 indoor campaign with a tournament on Saturday at Centennial College in Toronto. The female Bruins […]
This year’s flu season is gathering steam at a rapid rate in North America with a high increase of influenza cases reported over the last few weeks compared to the entire 2011-2012 season. New York Governor […]
A recent study done by the University of Guelph has generated a synthetic poop to cure toxin-producing bacteria caused by Clostridium difficile. Clostridium difficile (C. difficile) is a bacterial disease that causes severe diarrhea […]
As rage over sexual assaults explodes on the global stage, Canadian youth face new challenges in battling an old problem: damaging attitudes that blame the victim. In the United States, Steubenville’s “rape crew” and its […]
Around 800 students attending Chris Hadfield Public School gathered to ask the first Canadian spaceship commander questions from his home away from home. The event could be seen live from NASA’s website and aired nationally […]
The International Olympic Committee has officially asked Lance Armstrong to return his bronze medal in light of his recent admission that he used performance enhancing drugs. The time trial cycling medal is the latest title […]
With Attawapiskat now in the media spotlight, Tania Overholt takes a look at what life is really like for the people who live there.
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