Digging into a new venture

The 22-year-old man who built an underground tunnel at York University is launching a new business opportunity in order to capitalize on his ‘digger’ fame.

As mentioned on GoFundMe.Com, Elton McDonald is asking people to help him raise $10,000 to help establish a new construction and lawn maintenance business.

McDonald feels this new opportunity will help him give back to the Toronto community, while also teaching youth about some valuable construction-based skills.

As of 10:30 a.m. on March 12, 2015, McDonald had raised $125 from seven different donators.

Throughout his GoFundMe.Com page, McDonald does not mention the events that transpired on Feb. 24, 2015, when Toronto police held a press conference to discuss an underground bunker located near the Rexall Centre.

Photo courtesy of Wikipedia


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