Rising tuition the main cause of student debt

The newest generation of college and university students in Canada has to shoulder more debt from tuition and other costs associated with getting a post secondary education than previous generations.

A student in a three or four-year post secondary program with an average cost will come out of school with a debt of about $25,000.

The rise of student debt and the rise of tuition are so closely correlated that tuition appears to be the main cause of the economic burden the millennials will face.

In addition, there may be number of smaller factors that contribute to the woes of the millennials.

Sheridan Students Share Their Thoughts

“Tuition for International students is so much higher than it is for local students, that is where tuition is too high.”

– Sa Chen

“I’ve seen tuition for a lot of the programs and they seem really high to me.”

– Julie Lavoie

“Tuition is really inflated, since I am an international student. My international fees are around  $14,000. That is about three times as high for domestic students. So it is excessive.”

– Balbreet Sekhon

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