Montreal residents in shock after overpass collapse

Montreal residents are reeling after the collapse of the Longueuil pedestrian overpass on Feb. 10.

Two people were injured when the walkway fell onto the lanes of Highway 132.

Officials report that the incident took place around 8 p.m. after a dump truck being used for snow removal struck the underside of the pedestrian bridge.

The driver of the tow truck and another motorist were transported to hospital, where they were treated for minor injuries and shock.

Many Montreal residents blame mismanagement of city funds and corruption for the collapse of the bridge. JNM Journal spoke with some of the city’s residents about the incident:

  • “It’s not surprising … in light of the commission that’s going on investigating the fraud in the construction industry. These structures, which were supposed to last 20-30 years, are collapsing way before their time because of the way that they were built. They were built cheaply, shoddily because a lot of the money was squandered by going into kickbacks.” John Vergados, magazine editor
  • “I’m not really surprised because there is the on-going story of short-cuts taken years ago when they built it, stories about the mob, city hall and construction. This is an ongoing story, and this is just another piece of that story.” James Lloyd, business owner

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