Jordan attacks ISIS

In response to the burning of a captive Jordanian pilot, Jordan conducted airstrikes targeting the militant group ISIS on Feb. 5.

According to CNN, Lt. Muath Al-Kaseabeh’s father, Safi- al Kasasbeh, stated the king promised him Jordan would avenge his son’s death, and bombard ISIS’s de facto capital of Raqqa in Syria.

Jordan’s response to the pilot’s death will be strong, decisive and the crime of the horrific killing will not pass without punishment, Mohamamed al-Momani, a government spokesperson, told CNN.

In addition to the airstrikes against ISIS, Jordan also executed two prisoners including suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi, and Ziad al-Karboli in response to the pilot’s death.

In solidarity towards the slain pilot, Jordanian fighter jets flew over the hometown of the pilot killed by ISIS.

Photo curtsy of Google images.

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