All American Superbowl ads by 2017

By 2017, Canadian broadcasters won’t be able to run Canadian advertisements during the Superbowl.

The Canadian Radio-televison and Telecommunication Commission (CTRC), has banned Canadian broadcasters from substituting Canadian ads during the Super Bowl.

This decision was made after Canadians told  Let’s Talk TV: A Conversation with Canadians that they actually want to see the American ads.

The CRTC website says:

“Ads during the Super Bowl get a lot of hype. They are an important part of the overall spectacle, and viewers look forward to watching them.

For Canadian viewers this has been a problem. They don’t see the same ads as those seen in the US because they are replaced with Canadian ads.”

CTRC Chairman Jean-Pierre Blais warned that penalties may be given to stations whose ad switching disrupts programming.

Until the ban comes into effect, broadcasters will lose the ability to switch ads if they shut down transmitters that allow Canadians access to free, over-the-air television signals, Blais said.

Although the decision will not affect this year’s broadcast, it could be effective as of 2016, provided Bell Media waives the rights to switch ads.

Photo Credit: Wikimedia 

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