Super Bowl betting still off limits in Canada

Another Super Bowl will come and go leaving Canadian gamblers in its dust. Canadian senators are still sitting on Bill C-290, which would allow Canadians to legally bet on a single sports event.

Currently, sports gamblers in Canada can only place parlay bets – a type of wager that predicts the outcome of a series of games. Many Canadians will risk betting on the Super Bowl regardless, says Bill Rutsey, CEO of the Canadian Gaming Association.

“As I’ve warned before, inaction by the Senators only serves to fuel organized crime and offshore bookmakers, because they are the ones who profit from unlawful single-event wagering,” says Rutsey.

“I can’t believe that we are a year down the road and there has been no progress on Bill C290.”

Bill C-290 was proposed to the senate in March, 2012 and continues to sit on the shelf. The proposed legislation would amend a section in the Criminal Code that outlaws bets on single races, fights, and athletic contests.








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