Facebook photo saves 3-year-old’s vision

Concern over a Facebook photo is being credited for saving a young girl’s vision.

Tara Taylor posted the photo of her three year-old daughter, Rylee, without noticing anything wrong with her eye, CNN reports.

The photograph of Rylee displays a bright light in the middle of her left eye. The reflection in Rylee’s eye appeared to be different than the reflection created by the flash of a camera, CNN reports.

Shortly after the photo was posted to Facebook, Tara’s friends voiced their concern with the appearance of Rylee’s eye.

Taylor took Rylee to a retina specialist, who diagnosed the three year-old with Coat’s disease, CNN reports.

Coat’s disease causes full or partial vision loss, typically in one eye. Early detection of Coat’s  can usually restore an individual’s vision.

If Coat’s disease reaches its later stages without treatment, complete loss of vision can occur.

Photo Source: www.news.com.au

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