Montreal man to be retried for murdering two children

The Supreme Court of Canada has rejected Guy Turcotte’s appeal to stop a retrial for the murder of his two children, CBC reports.

Turcotte admitted to killing his two children in 2009, but the jury found him not criminally responsible by reason of mental disorder. Turcotte was then admitted to a Montreal psychiatric institute. He was released 18 months later.

In September 2013, the Crown appealed the 2011 jury decision and demanded a re-trail. The Quebec Court of Appeals agreed and ordered the former Quebec-based doctor to stand a re-trial for first-degree murder.

Since the ruling, Turcotte turned himself in to police. He is currently being held at psychiatric hospital Penil Institute.

Turcotte allegedly stabbed his children to death in their Piedmont, Que., home. Olivier was five years old, while Anne-Sophie was just three.



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