Gaza militants propose ceasefire

After two days of intense rocket fire between Gaza militants and Israel,  the Palestinian militant group Islamic Jihad has proposed a ceasefire, reports the Associated Press.

The leader of the Islamic Jihad, Khaled al-Batch, said his group accepted the offer by an Egypt-led ceasefire deal on the condition that Israeli forces do the same.  Israeli authorities have yet to acknowledge the deal.

The Associated Press made contact with an Egyptian military  source, who said that Egyptian officials have been negotiating with each side. The official also confirmed there was an agreement made.

Earlier in the week, the two sides fired rockets on each other in the most intense battles since 2012. Israeli officials say that over 65 rockets were launched at Israel from Gaza.

There was a ceasefire agreement made in November 2012 which abated fire for the most part.  Islamic Jihad said it resumed attacks on Israel after it violated the earlier agreement.

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