No jail time for Winnipeg teen in fatal crash

The 18-year-old man who pled guilty to causing the crash that killed 17-year-old Julia Romanow-Bear will get probation for two years.

The Winnipeg teen was driving 108 km/h in a 50 km/h zone on Nov. 1, 2012 when the car he was driving struck a tree.

The man, who attended Kelvin high school with the victim, was remorseful, according to Romanow-Bear’s family.

He apologized to the family of Romanow-Bear following the crash, saying that he felt extreme guilt and that his life was forever changed, reports the Winnipeg Free Press.

Three other teenage passengers in the vehicle were seriously injured. They were on a lunch break from Kelvin High School.

The survivors and victim’s family requested that the man serve no jail time. Instead the man is to lead seminars to school-age children about the dangers of unsafe driving, according to the Winnipeg Free Press.

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