If Facebook be the platform of love, type on

As another Valentine’s day approaches, the question remains: to share or not to share over social media?

Sharing on social media has become part of everyday life, and some publicly profess love for their significant other on Valentine’s day. Others prefer to keep their love life on the down low.

A new study by BeNaughty.com surveyed people on how they will be spending their day of love in terms of social media.

Fifty per cent of single men said they would log in while only 27 per cent of women would log in. But 72 per cent of women said they prefer to stay away from social media sites to avoid happy couples’ love lives.

As for what they least enjoy seeing on social media sites on love day, 27 per cent of women said they dislike ‘selfies’ of couples whereas only two per cent of men had issue with the ‘selflies.’

Twenty-eight per cent of men were bothered by love-filled messages that couples post on each others’ wall compared to only 18 per cent of women. Meanwhile, 70 per cent of men dislike love status updates compared to 55 per cent of women.

Friends of lovey dovey types are significantly turned off, with  65 per cent of men and 55 per cent of women feeling it is inappropriate to share mushy feelings. Sixty-five per cent of men and 45% of women would rather keep their love life to themselves.

Finally, 72 per cent of women and 52 per cent of men will announce their single status come tomorrow.





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