Girl planned to stab half sister

A 14 year-old Illinois girl was in court this morning revealing details of her plan to kill her 11-year-old half sister, CNN is reporting.

The girl is currently charged with murder as a juvenile, but police say they may later request to move the case to adult court.

The 14 year-old has since admitted she contemplated killing her sister for 10 to 15 minutes, after which she got a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her sister more than forty times.

At 8:30 a.m Jan. 21, police received an emergency call from the 14 year-old girl saying an intruder entered the home and attacked her sister. Police arrived to find the 11-year-old unconscious. She died later that day.

After questioning, the accused admitted to police she attacked her sister because she had hit her the previous night and was “ungrateful” for all she did for her.


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