Cecelia Adabie attends court for wearing Google glasses while driving

A California court case involving Cecelia Adabie could help shape future laws on wearable technology.

Abadie has pleaded not guilty to two charges of speeding and driving while watching a video or TV screen. CBC reported that her attorney, William Concidine, said the device was not activated while she was driving.

Cecelia is one of 30,000 people that has been selected to try out the device before the technology becomes widely available this year. She is also the first person cited for wearing Google glasses.

Legislators in at least three different states including Delaware, New Jersey and West Virginia have already introduced bills that ban driving with Google Glass. Google’s website also contains an advisory to all Google Glass users.

“Read up and follow the law. Above all, even when you’re following the law, don’t hurt yourself or others by failing to pay attention to the road.”

Adabie is still fighting her ticket and her right to use wearable technology when driving.

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