Suicide bombing in Iraq kills 21

A suicide bombing at a military recruiting centre in Baghdad has killed 21 and injured nearly three dozen more according to Iraqi officials.

It is likely the attack was a message to potential army volunteers and the Iraqi government.

The Iraqi army is trying to regain control of two cities west of Baghdad that have been overrun by al-Qaeda militants. While no group has taken responsibility for the attack, Adam Schreck of the Associated Press says it resembles the al-Qaeda Iraq branch’s methods.

The bombing comes just one day after Iraq’s prime minister vowed to take back the cities. He also insisted al-Qaeda give up the battle.

Al-Qaeda fighters took control of police stations and military posts within the city. They also freed prisoners and set up their own check points.

The cities, Fallujah and Ramadi, are located in the province of Anbar.

Pro-government Sunni militants are working with the Iraqi army to fight against the al-Qaeda occupants and take back the cities.

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