Sochi bobsled worker struck, injured

A bobsled worker suffered two broken legs after being struck by a sled at the Sanki Sliding Centre in Sochi on Feb. 13.

The worker was reported as one of three working on the track fixing a light when a manned forerunning sled was sent down the track and hit the worker near the finish line.

Reports say he was airlifted to hospital after sustaining two broken legs and a possible concussion. The other two workers were able to move out of the way before the sled struck.

The identity of the track worker has not yet been released as he is set to undergo surgery.

Forerunning sleds are used before training to test track conditions, but Sochi organizers said in a statement that a warning was given before the sled began its run, as per procedure. It is not known why the workers were still on the track.

CTV reported that there was one other incident in November 2013 where the warning system has failed.

The first heat for the bobsled training session was delayed by 35 minutes due to debris on the track caused by the incident.


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