Pope Francis cleans house at Vatican bank

Pope Francis has fired four of Pope Benedict VI’s Vatican bank advisors and named a Toronto Cardinal to help oversee the bank’s operations.

Cardinal Thomas Collins received an early birthday present yesterday when he was named to the bank’s supervisory body.

But others such as Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Benedict’s longtime Deputy and Secretary of State, did not make the cut.

Pope Benedict’s appointees were supposed to have the job for another five years, but Francis kept only Cardinal Jean-Louis Tauran from the previous commission.

Pope Francis plans to move forward with bank reform  after relieving Bertone and the other three commission members.

Here are some reactions on Twitter:

“Toronto’s Cardinal Thomas Collins has been appointed to the commission that oversees the Vatican Bank. Good for him, but not a job I’d want.” from @MarkBrosens

“Pope Francis sacks 4 cardinals from Vatican bank’s oversight commission. New appointees include Toronto’s Cardinal Thomas Collins.” from @ereguly



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