What to expect at Sochi Olympics

Expectations of our Olympic athletes are high as Canada’s Olympic team hopes to do even better in Sochi than its record-breaking performance in the 2010 Vancouver Games.

Canada won 26 medals at the 2010 Vancouver Olympics, including 14  gold medals– third behind the US and Germany. Canada became the first country to win that number of gold medals at the Winter Olympics.

The stakes are high, as the medal count for countries usually decreases after hosting the games.

But some factors bode well for Canada’s Olympic team.

Consider for a second that there are 12 new medal events and in all but two Canada has a shot at one medal or more. According to a Virtual Medal Table at Infostrada Sports, Canada is predicted to win a total of 31 medals, behind the US and Norway.


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In order: Kaille Humphries – Bobsledding, Mark McMorris – Snowboarding, Sidney Crosby – Hockey, Kaetyln Osmond – Figure Skater, Christine Nesbitt -Speed Skater and Mikael Kingsbury – Freestyle Skier.

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