Brian Williams apologizes for false reporting

During his Feb. 4  broadcast NBC News host Brian Williams recanted his oft-told story of being shot down in Iraq.

At events as recent as a public tribute to an American soldier on Jan. 30, Williams had claimed his Chinook helicopter came under RPG fire and was forced down in 2003.

While a Chinook helicopter did come under attack, Williams’ helicopter was following an hour behind and landed safely in Baghdad.

Soldiers from the 159th Aviation Regiment told the American military newspaper Stars and Stripes Williams’ Chinook arrived at the downed helicopter and took photos of the damage before heading to Baghdad.

One soldier, Lance Reynolds, commented on William’s Facebook page, accusing him of falsifying facts.

Many times over the years Williams had told two tales, one that his Chinook was hit and grounded, and another that the Chinook in front of him was shot down.

NBC noted that a 2003 Dateline NBC story correctly reported that Williams had not been shot down.

However, Williams himself reported the incorrect version of the story in 2013, and again at a military tribute last Friday.

“Nobody’s trying to steal anyone’s valour,” he wrote in a Facebook post Feb. 4.

“This was a bungled attempt by me to thank one special veteran and by extension our brave military men and women, veterans everywhere, those who have served while I did not. I hope they know they have my greatest respect and also now my apology.”

Photo courtesy of NBC.

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