Couple deemed in love after Valentine’s Day Instagram post

Christina and Daryl were only dating.lov

Then their relationship went to the next level after they posted a couple’s selfie on Instagram, garnering dozens of comments telling them how in love they looked.

“We were enjoying our Valentine’s Day like anyone else,” said Christina, the couple’s better half. “Then Daryl uploaded the picture. It was kind of scary when it first happened.”

“I just thought I looked good, if I’m being honest,” explained Daryl.

“I had no idea it would set up my future with my girl.”

The couple’s Instagram post has over 85 likes. Daryl notes the effectiveness of his hashtags in making it official.

“I used #love, #inlove, #bae,” said Daryl. “After that, we had dozens of comments confirming our feelings.”

In light of the post’s success, the young couple has now decided to pull the trigger and get married.

“I wasn’t sure before,” said Christina.

“Now I know this man is the love of my life.”

The couple is expected to publish their next Instagram post in the next few days.

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