TDSB to cut more than 250 jobs

The Toronto District School Board voted to cut over 250 teaching jobs at its Mar. 11 meeting.

This decision is being made so the board can eliminate its $16.5 million deficit for 2015-2016 school year. The board says most of the cuts will come from will come from attrition and retirement, and will likely not lead to layoffs.

Jobs cut will include over 50 special education teachers and English as a Second Language positions.

Special education includes programs for children with autism and learning disabilities, along with “gifted” programs.

Overall, the demand for those programs has risen hugely in recent years.

The ministry’s annual grant to the TDSB has gone up more than 36 per cent since 2002-2003, to $334.5-million in the current year, according to the ministry.

In addition to the job cuts, the board was also considering a proposal that would see the TDSB strike a deal with the Toronto Parking Authority to rent parking spots at downtown schools after-hours.


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