Officials fear measles outbreak

Toronto officials continue to warn the public of a return of the measles virus that could affect the city.

So far there have been five confirmed cases of measles in the city of Toronto. Toronto city officials fear if necessary precautions are not taken, this number will rapidly grow.

While many are not warming up to the idea of getting vaccinated, officials continue to stress importance of the public getting the measles shot in an effort to prevent a major breakout.

Measles is not restricted to Toronto and can easily spread to other cities surrounding areas.


  • fever
  • cough
  • runny nose
  • sleepiness
  • irritability and red nose
  • spots

Some concerns include people not being keen to the idea of getting the measles immunization shots or they do not think of measles as an emergency.

Most people have the option, but are willing to take their chances of not being infected by the virus.

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According to the Toronto Star, officials are concerned students may contract measles at school. They are also worried that schools are not ensuring students are vaccinated because parents fear adverse reactions to the vaccines.

Exemption of immunization rates:

Some are concerned that the number of students getting exempted for  vaccinations is too high. The Toronto Star reports that between 2012-13, approximately 5,939 of Toronto students had exemptions to the vaccination.

Statistics on exemptions*

Alpha Alterative Junior School (TDSB) at 39 per cent

The Grove Community School (TDSB) at 37 per cent

Da Vinci School (TDSB) at 28 per cent

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While many are not getting the vaccination due to personal reasons, others feel this is everyone’s concern. For now, extra precaution is heavily advised. 

Speakers Corner 

* Statistics for elementary school are from 2011-12 and secondary schools from 2012-13.

*Statistics are taken from the Toronto Star.

Photo courtesy of Google images.

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