New app delivers sounds and smells of bacon

For many, getting up in the morning is about to get a whole lot easier.

Food giant Oscar Mayer is currently testing a new iPhone add-on device that will wake users up with the smell of bacon.

The device works by being plugged into the earphone outlet on the iPhone and emits a bacon-scented perfume when prompted by a corresponding alarm.

The appropriately named “Wake up & Smell the Bacon” device also has a corresponding app, further enticing users out of bed with the sizzling sound of bacon frying.

The app also features an alarm clock modelled after a skillet, which users can rotate to select an appropriate wake-up time.
Oscar Mayer recently released this bacon-packed fantasy video to promote the new product.

The company describes the product as “a bacon awakening beyond your wildest imagination. Wake Up & Smell The Bacon is a multi-sensory alarm experience that starts your morning with the mouthwatering sizzle and smell of Oscar Mayer bacon.”

Despite the anticipated popularity and demand for the device, it will not be sold in stores. Bacon enthusiasts can apply for a chance to win the limited-edition device online before April 4, and can download the app for free at any time here or on the iTunes store.

Successful applicants will receive their bacon prizes between six and eight weeks after the application due date.

While the app will generate the smell of bacon, users will still have to cook their own breakfast.

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