Colorado plans a referendum on fracking

Activists in Colorado are planning for a referendum this fall that would decide whether hydraulic tracking should be banned in Colorado cities.

Fracking is a fairly new issue in Colorado. Other places in North America have faced the fracking issue and the negative environmental consequences associated with hydraulic fracturing. Fracking for shale gas is already banned in New York state and the province of Quebec.

Colorado is in the process of planning a referendum to ban fracking, but some individuals are opposed to banning  hydraulic fracturing.

Globe and Mail reports that John Deutch, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and chair of a Department of Energy panel on the environmental risks from shale gas, thinks the referendum against fracking will be catastrophic to the fracking industry.

Public opposition to fracking could lead to concerns for the energy industry as well. The shale, gas and oil industries are growing and depend on the process of hydraulic fracturing.

The Environmental Defence Fund based in the United States is working with the state of Colorado to help pass regulation to reduce air emissions from oil and gas drilling operations.

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