Doug Ford will not run for provincial election

Toronto Councillor Doug Ford announced Feb. 20 that he will not run as a candidate for the provincial Conservatives. Instead, Ford, will focus on his brother’s bid for re-election.

Ford told a slew of reporters outside city hall that while he would like to get involved with provincial politics, his priorities need to be on managing Mayor Rob Ford’s campaign.

Ford noted that he will run eventually, but cannot abandon the campaign so near the end.

Questions remain about whether Tim Hudak and the provincial Conservative Party cut Doug Ford as a potential candidate, given the city hall scandals involving the brothers Ford.

While Coun. Ford will not run for re-election to council, he suggested he may still be involved in city hall. Coun. Ford has served as the right-hand-man to Mayor Ford since taking office and has publicly stood up for the Mayor during countless scandals.

Coun. Ford said his decision is completely unrelated to the scandal.

Mayor Rob Ford said that he supports and appreciates his brother’s decision and believes his brother will one day be the leader of the Conservative Party.

Doug Ford says he expects the mayoral campaign to be a long, hard-fought, and exciting battle.

Photo source, CP24

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