‘Idol’ star runs for congress, wipes his Twitter

The web is abuzz after American Idol runner-up Clay Aiken cleaned up his Twitter account following the announcement that he plans to run for U.S. Congress.

After deleting most of his tweets, Aiken’s Twitter account is down to 123 posts.

Buzzfeed used FavStar to uncover the deleted tweets, some of which were fairly offensive.

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Aiken is seeking the Democratic nomination in North Carolina’s second congressional district. The seat has been held since 2010 by Republican Renee Ellmers.

Aiken has criticized his opponent, Ellmers, for voting in favour of military cuts and the government shutdown.

Aiken’s goal is to go Washington to represent “all people”, something he says Ellmers failed to do by following her party’s recommendations.

In his campaign video, Aiken announced that he is not a politician and does not ever want to be.

Photo source: Liberty Voice

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