Florida theatre shooter emotional in bail hearing

The 71-year-old “theatre shooter” and the victim’s widow shed tears during a hearing Feb. 5 to determine if the retired police officer will be released on bail.

Curtis Reeves has been jailed ever since the shooting and faces second-degree murder charges.

The court heard how Reeves and Chad Oulson exchanged words, and Oulson then allegedly tossed his bag of popcorn at Reeves. Moments later, a fatal gunshot was fired at Oulson.

The day ended without a decision from Judge Pat Siracusa because there is more testimony from prosecution witnesses.

One of the key witnesses was Reeves daughter Jennifer Shaw. She spoke about her relationship with her father and how Reeves was a caring grandfather to her two-year-old daughter.

Shaw also said Reeves has never been angry with strangers and his temperament hasn’t changed in recent years.

Shaw insisted her father does not pose a danger to the community. Her testimony brought Reeves to tears in the courtroom.

The hearing will resume at 10 a.m. Feb.7.

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