Syria rejects transitional government

The Syrian government has refused to consider a transitional government to end the civil war in that country.

The opposition has demanded a government change and the Geneva I conference has also recommended it.

In addition, the government has handed over only 4 per cent of its chemical weapons since the operation began on Jan. 7, 2014, BBC News reports. That means the operation to export all of Syria’s chemical weapons by Jun. 30, 2014 is stalling.

According to the Guardian, US Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel said he is unsure if the Syrian government is delaying on purpose or because of incompetence and warned it needs to fix the problem and fast.

More information about the operation will come to light on Jan. 31, when the group in charge — the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons — meets in The Hague.

Meanwhile, the Human Rights Watch released a report accusing the Syrian government of purposefully razing rebel-held neighbourhoods, homes and buildings to the ground.

“The demolitions were supervised by military forces and often followed fighting in the areas between government and opposition forces,” Human Rights Watch said.

The group believes these demolitions violate international humanitarian laws.

Human Rights Watch is asking for the United Nations to send the issue to the International Criminal Court and for government officials to stop the attacks, Al Jazeera reports.

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