Ryan Gosling needs a Kit Kat



Ryan Gosling fans have good reason to break into tears, as the actor recently announced he will to retire from acting.

The Canadian actor got tired of doing the same thing for most of his life and decided to stop. “I have been acting since I was 18,” Gosling said; “I have lost the perspective of what I am doing. I need a break from myself as much as I imagine the audience does.”

The price of the fame is another reason Gosling says he needs a break. “You fight for freedom and then you get it, and then you have enough rope to hang yourself,” Gosling said. He also said the excessive pressure involved in making a movie can be tiring, and therefore not a good work environment.

Both his loyal fans and the film industry will not be very happy about Gosling’s decision, as he is currently one of the most sought after actors in Hollywood. Roles such as the government consultant in Ides Of March, romantic and humble heartthrob in The Notebook and deputy general prosecutor in Fracture will be go down in cinema history as some of Gosling’s most noteworthy characters.

Fans will still have the opportunity to see Gosling in his upcoming movies such us Only God Forgives as well as The Place Beyond The Pines. As for his next steps, Gosling did not give any specific details. He says he still needs some time to think about it.



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