Ontario may lower speed limit

The province of Ontario is considering lowering the speed limit in cities and towns to 40 from 50 km/h.

Municipalities might have the option to set their own limits as long as it’s posted.

Community Safety Minister Yasir Naqvi told CBC the government will consult with the public and municipalities about the potential changes.

Naqvi said we need lower speed limits because of faster cars, denser communities and higher populations.

Sgt. Kerry Schmidt of the Ontario Province Police says the police will implement whatever regulations are passed.

“Speeding is one of the four major reasons for accidents. The slower you drive, the safer you are.”

He says there were 253 collisions on Ontario highways in which 285 people were killed in 2014.

Sgt. Kerry says there has been a 25 per cent increase from the previous year in the number of collisions due to speeding.

Lower speed limits could result in more offences, thereby earning the driver demerit points. This could drive insurance rates even higher.

Larry Woolston, Consumer Information Officer, Insurance Bureau of Canada believes it won’t.

“With most insurance companies, it takes 3-4 minor offences before the rates are hiked,” he said. “Speeding is not a major cause of insurance being increased.”

Public opinion on the issue is divided.


What should be the speed limit be on residential roads?

< 40km/h
> 50km/h
Please Specify:

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